Sunday, September 8, 2024

Would you know the signs? Learn first aid to help a teen through a mental health crisis

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Would you know what to say to a teen who was showing signs of a mental health struggle? Would you know what those signs are?

Integral Care, the mental health authority of Travis County, has received $220,000 from the county to train an additional 2,000 people in the Youth Mental Health First Aid program from now through December 2025. The program also has received money through the St. David’s Foundation and the state’s Health and Human Services Commission. Integral Care is partnering with Austin Public Health to promote the program.

Think of the Mental Health First Aid program as like taking a CPR class or a first aid class, but instead of learning how to do chest compressions or put compression on a wound, you are learning how to identify a mental health crisis and how to get a person connected to professional mental health care.

“There is a huge need for this,” said Leylee Morris, Mental Health First Aid program manager at Integral Care. “We are in a youth mental health crisis.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that 42% of high schoolers had symptoms of depression and 10% had attempted suicide.

“We can equip community members to be advocates,” Morris said.

The early intervention program was developed by the nonprofit National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Integral Care has sessions specific to people who work with adults, military personnel and veterans, and youths. Since 2010, Integral Care has trained almost 17,000 people in mental health first aid, including more than 3,600 people in the Youth Mental Health First Aid program.

Who can take the Youth Mental Health First Aid training?

Anyone in the community can take the youth training, but it’s especially designed for parents, teachers, youth group leaders, Scout leaders and sports coaches — basically anyone who supports adolescents ages 12-18.

How is the training offered?

People can sign up for a community training that is open to anyone, or groups can ask Integral Care to bring the training to them. Already, Integral Care has trained staff members in the Manor school district and at Travis Early College High School in Austin.

The training is offered in person, virtually and hybrid. The total training is six to eight hours.

You can find a link to sign up at The next community classes will be on Aug. 30 and Sept. 13.

Does the training cost money?

The training is free with funding from Travis County, which is giving Integral Care about $100 for each participant it trains. That includes paying for 10 instructors.

What happens during the training?

Participants will learn how to identify common signs and symptoms of mental health problems and then how to interact with that person by initiating a conversation.

“That is where most of the fears come in,” Morris said. “What do we do next?”

Through course curriculum and multiple interactive situations during the class, participants will learn what to say, what steps to take next and what resources are available. Those resources include calling Integral Care to connect to available inpatient and outpatient care in the county or calling 988 for a mental health emergency.

There are a lot of myths, Morris said, and many people don’t feel comfortable, especially if a teen is having suicidal ideation.

“We teach a five-step action plan,” she said. “It’s very concrete, and we practice.”

“People feel like they leave with a set of skills,” she said.

While the youth training is geared toward the experiences of kids ages 12 to 18, most of the content could be used in working with people of any age, Morris said.

What happens after the training?

Participants receive a three-year certification in mental health first aid, much as you would receive a CPR or first aid certification for taking those classes. They continue to be connected to resources through Integral Care.

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