Sunday, September 8, 2024

What did Kamala Harris know about Biden’s deteriorating health? And when did she know it?

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Desperate for an energetic, robust leader, Democrats have pivoted to the vice president so fast that Americans didn’t get to hear the president announce the end of his campaign from his own lips.


President Joe Biden is set to address the country from the Oval Office on Wednesday night, but his announcement on a summer Sunday afternoon that he was abandoning his reelection campaign − world-changing news that was suddenly dropped without the commander in chief bothering to show his face to American citizens − raises questions about his health, the Democratic Party’s competency and Vice President Kamala Harris’ integrity.

Desperate for an energetic, robust leader, Democrats have pivoted to Harris so fast that Americans didn’t get to hear Biden announce the end of his campaign from his own lips. In the digital age with a constant stream of news and information at our finger tips, this is almost impossible to fathom.

Why has Biden waited three days before deciding to address the nation? Sycophants in the media skipped over this head-scratching moment and immediately began gushing over Harris.

Before the presidential debate on June 27, the Democratic Party still fully backed Biden, despite mounting evidence that he was unwell. Less than a month later, he’s not only no longer running, but he also has passed the baton to his younger, more vibrant vice president, a candidate who has never won a presidential primary but somehow raised more than $100 million in 48 hours.

The Democratic Party must be thrilled: The 11th-hour rapid reframing of the presidential race, dropping a doomed candidate for one who has at least a fighting chance, makes Barack Obama’s upbeat “hope and change” slogan look downbeat by comparison.

Nonetheless, the warp speed of Harris’ promotion and the gaping holes in information shared with the public about Biden’s health raise concerns.

Kamala Harris is awful. But the left’s love of identity politics means Democrats are stuck with her.

Biden administration’s ‘just trust us’ attitude isn’t acceptable

Last Wednesday, the White House announced Biden had tested positive for COVID-19. Four days later, Biden issued his resignation from the presidential race in a letter posted on social media. No televised speech. No video recording. Nothing that allowed Americans to see for themselves that their president was OK − or not OK.

Why not address the American people on live TV? That would have been the most responsible way to do it. Biden is finally scheduled to speak Wednesday night, but waiting these extra days has cast further doubt on his health.

The White House physician confirmed Sunday that Biden’s COVID-19 “symptoms have improved significantly.” But why then wait to speak directly to Americans?

Biden has canceled nine trips that were scheduled for the next two weeks, according to the New York Post. Stops included California, Denver, Houston and Austin. Even though he’s no longer running for president, wouldn’t he want to campaign for Harris?

Biden is still the president. If he is too sick to carry out the duties of the presidency, shouldn’t the American people be informed? The “just trust us” attitude that his administration has adopted until now is no longer acceptable, not after Sunday’s news.

Besides, an honest and direct approach would probably help the Democratic Party’s sketchy optics after the past month of chaos.

Kamala Harris needs to fully address Joe Biden’s health

Harris immediately began campaigning after Biden’s announcement. That’s understandable, but she is not just a candidate. She’s the vice president, serving while members of Biden’s own party have spent weeks arguing that he is no longer fit to run for high office.

The president apparently is still too ill to travel because of COVID-19. He failed to greet Harris in person Monday as she rallied staff at her presidential campaign headquarters in Delaware. Instead, he phoned in a message of support.

When did they know the truth? Democrats’ cover-up of Biden decline raises hard questions.

Speaking of Harris, what did she know about Biden’s deteriorating physical and cognitive health? And when did she know it?

Is she confident he can still serve effectively? If so, why then did he step aside from a campaign he had been committed to for years?

Americans deserve answers.

Who is running the White House?

The excitement among Democrats over Harris is palpable. Biden obviously has been in decline, and it was hard for voters to get excited about two, older white men as the Democratic and Republican nominees.

In contrast, Harris is a dynamic, progressive woman of color. She’s everything the Democratic Party has been touting for years.

But Americans must not forget that during Biden’s steady decline, Harris has been at his side, telling all of us that there was no cause for concern. Even Democrats shouldn’t ignore all of the gaslighting.

The Democratic Party’s lack of transparency in this moment − calculated deceit, even − is irresponsible and deserves Americans’ scorn. Democracy is not a game. So, why does it feel like we’re all being tricked?

Biden’s deteriorating condition deserves empathy. But he is not just someone’s aging grandparent: He’s the president. If he has been too unwell to address the American public for days, too unwell to record a video introducing and endorsing his would-be successor, is he also too unwell to continue to serve as president?

These are questions Vice President Harris could answer in a heartbeat. We should all wonder why she hasn’t.

Nicole Russell is an opinion columnist with USA TODAY. She lives in Texas with her four kids. Sign up for her newsletter, The Right Track, and get it delivered to your inbox.

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