Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Type 2 diabetes

Hawaiʻi Department of Health launches Beat Diabetes Prevention Program | Maui Now

The Hawaiʻi State Department of Health (DOH) recently launched a new public service announcement campaign to motivate people with prediabetes to adopt...

Sedentary lifestyle and screen time linked to rising metabolic syndrome in Chinese youth

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is an increasingly common condition, with about 3% and...

Bright light of any kind at night puts you at risk of developing a major lifestyle disease

Scrolling through your phone at night is known to disrupt your sleep as the blue light interferes with the circadian rhythm. The unhealthy habit...

Type 2 diabetes: Healthy diet may reduce risk regardless of genetics

Share on PinterestA new study found that a healthy diet may produce lower blood glucose levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes...

Lack of exercise puts 1.8 billion at risk, but it’s never too late to start

Almost 1.8 billion adults are at risk of diseases such as cancer, stroke, dementia and diabetes because of a lack of exercise – and...

Dietary fiber intake reshapes tryptophan metabolism, promoting gut health and reducing disease risks

Tryptophan is a key amino acid in the human diet that is...

Slideshow: Innovation in Diabetes Technology Could Improve Disease Management

With the launch of the Dextrometer in 1980, blood glucose self-monitoring became the standard of care for patients with diabetes.1 Since then, advancements in...

Semaglutide proves a game-changer for kidney and heart health in diabetes patients

A recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine evaluated the effects...

Study reveals brain health benefits of intermittent fasting and healthy diet plans

Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine and the National Institutes of Health's National...

Scientists discover link between birthweight and risk of health complications from childhood obesity

Scientists at the University of Copenhagen discover a link between birthweight and...

Study reveals genetic associations between coffee and harmful health outcomes such as obesity and substance use

Scientists have found consistent positive genetic correlations of coffee intake with substance...

Consistent exercise changes how saturated fat is used by the body – The Hippocratic Post

An active lifestyle can change how the body burns saturated and unsaturated fat according to new research from the University of Aberdeen.In the study,...

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