Sunday, September 8, 2024

Senator Marshall Joins Evening Edit on Fox Business On No Flights for Terrorists Act.  – Senator Roger Marshall

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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Evening Edit on Fox Business to discuss his legislation introduced today, the No Flights for Terrorists Act. Senator Marshall’s legislation would put protestors who have pledged their allegiance to terrorist organizations like Hamas be added to the TSA No Fly List. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On Senator Marshall’s No Flights for Terrorists Act:

“You know very simply stated, if you want to act like you’re part of the terrorist organization, if you want to support a terrorist organization, if you’re spewing hatred towards Jews or anybody, then we want you to go on the no fly list just like the terrorists are. 

On Antisemitic Campus Riots Across America:

“These people are a threat to other folks, we should take them at their word. Listen, I was just on a campus in Kansas talking to Jewish students so concerned about their own safety and wellbeing, these protesters are following them into the Student Union. They’re following them into the schools, into the business school where they’re having classes as well.” 

On Joe Biden’s hollow Holocaust Remembrance Day speech in the Capitol:

“Americans need to watch what he does, not what he says. He says one thing, he does another. This is why we wrote a letter yesterday to the White House asking them for more specifics. Exactly what did you do with these weapons? So I think there was a bait and switch trip by the White House.” 

“Look, you cannot support both Iran and Israel, you have to choose one or the other. This President’s clearly chosen Iran, whether it’s releasing them from economic sanctions, letting them sell oil to Russia, all sorts of things this president has done to help Iran; he has never stood by beside Israel. And I think it’s evident to all Americans.”

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