Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rant and Rave: Reader frustrated with online shoppers

Must read

RAVE to online shoppers who follow through and pick up the items they say they want to purchase. During the pandemic, I met many lovely people who I enjoyed visiting with. Lately, few online shoppers actually follow through, despite having asked many questions (which were answered), and some asked for price reductions (which were granted). Such a waste of my time and energy! Maybe karma will occur? I am considering removing my listings. It is so frustrating.

RANT AND RAVE Rave to the replacement of a Capitol Hill bus stop bench. I am elderly and complained about the bench’s initial removal. Rant to people who are so intent on denying homeless people any human services. This also hurts older and disabled people who need to sit down. Same for the lack of public bathrooms. These are uncaring acts against everybody.

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