Sunday, September 8, 2024

PC(USA) approves amendment affirming LGBTQ lifestyle

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Members of the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted 389 to 24 on Wednesday to add gender identity and sexual orientation to a list of protected classes in the denomination’s constitution. The second part of the overture requires candidates for ordination to be vetted for their commitment to guarantee church participation and representation to protected classes and was approved 297 to 130. The Office of the General Assembly listed passing the overture as one of the most significant things commissioners did at the general assembly council June 25-July 4 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The overture is set to be sent to presbyteries for ratification.

What did those for and against the overture say? There was significant debate on the proposal before it passed, the Office of the General Assembly reported. Those in favor of the proposal said they wanted to support the denomination’s current stance on individuals who identify as LGBTQ. Those against the proposal said the second part of the overture would exclude from ordainaton those who do not affirm LGBTQ lifestyles. The second part of the overture was amended multiple times and originally included “non-discrimination” as suggested terminology about which to question candidates.

Have denomination members made similar decisions in the past? General assembly members in 2018 approved overtures affirming individuals who identify as LGBTQ. The PC(USA) is known for allowing individuals who identify as LGBTQ to be ordained as ministers and elders and has supported same-sex unions as far back as 1978, according to its website. The denomination has said it values freedom of conscience and allows pastors to decide if they will officiate a same-sex marriage.

Dig deeper: Read Catherine Gripp’s report on the PC(USA) condemning Israel’s recent military actions in Gaza.

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