Sunday, September 8, 2024

Med Center Health reports 7 in 10 moms experience ‘baby blues’

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BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) – Med Center Health reports seven out of 10 moms experience the ‘baby blues’ after birth, but they estimate that number may actually be higher with more parents feeling uncomfortable talking about those feelings.

Samantha Peebles, OB Educator with Med Center Health, said post-birth can be one of the most emotionally tumultuous times in any parent’s life.

“Your hormones are kind of on that roller coaster. One minute, everything is fine, then the next minute, you may be weepy, and there really is no correlation as to why. Then you give yourself a few more minutes, maybe 30 minutes, and you’re okay again. That roller coaster of emotion, you should be stepping off of that at about two weeks. If it continues, that’s when we’re getting into that postpartum depression territory.”

Postpartum depression and anxiety will present similarly to regular depression and anxiety, with Peebles saying it’s important for mothers and those around them to pick up on mood changes.

“Anytime that you feel like something is off, I would encourage you to trust yourself, know this is not normal, and go talk to your doctor. Obviously, if you’re having thoughts of harming yourself, baby, if you’re hearing you’re seeing things that aren’t really there. That is a medical emergency.”

Mom-to-be, Macey Spurgeon, said she had concerns about postpartum depression and anxiety, especially with this being her first child, but found solace in her friends.

“My first friend, she had two. She had her second one and it was a boy. So, she gives me a lot of good advice and things. Then my other friend, this is her first one, she had a little girl and she came a little early. She’s a little baby. But I got to hear her side too. So it’s nice to get to hear a new actual new mom and then a mom that’s not quite, that’s a little different.”

Spurgeon also encouraged moms to not just be open about their emotions with their doctors, but also their partners.

“So I kind of have to go back and forth and make sure that he’s following along with what I’m feeling and I follow what he’s feeling. So, it’s one of those things that made him and I kind of get together, make time, and go, ‘okay, hey, let’s talk about this because this bothers me and that’s bothering you,’ and kind of have our own little counseling session together.”

Studies have shown that nearly one in 10 women will experience postpartum depression, and that 50% of men with partners diagnosed with postpartum depression will develop depression themselves.

Med Center Health offers several resources for pre- and postpartum help, with more information on their website.

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