Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kettering Health hosts walk to end Epilepsy

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KETTERING, Ohio (WKEF) — Kettering Health hosted a Walk to End Epilepsy on Sunday, June 2, at the Kettering Health Center.

The walk has grown from roughly 75 participants in 2022 to over 200 participants for this walk in 2024.

“Epilepsy is a neurological disorder; it happens when the brain misfires a signal. Three-point-four million people live with active epilepsy in the world and over 120,000 are people here in Ohio,” said Crystal Hall, the executive director of the Epilepsy Foundation of Ohio. “Awareness is very important no one should face it alone. As an organization, it’s overwhelming to see so many here today to learn about epilepsy and help people who have it . I love it.”

The CDC lists what to do to help someone seizing:

  1. Remain calm and calm the people around you.
  2. Remain near the person seizing.
  3. Move anything nearby that could cause them injury.
  4. Quickly check them for a medical bracelet or necklace.
  5. If they are lying down gently turn them to their side and point their mouth towards the ground to keep their airway clear.
  6. Time the seizure, if it lasts more than five minutes call 911.
  7. Once the seizure is over help them sit and recover.
  8. Once they are alert comfort them and calmly explain what happened.
  9. Offer to call their friends or family to help them get home safely.

For more information about the Walk to End Epilepsy,

For more information about the Epilepsy Foundation of Ohio,

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